Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dojo Fisheye Gallery plugin for WordPress

This plugin can create a photo gallery with a fisheye-style display using Dojo Toolkit Ajax.
Visit the below demo site and put your mouse cursor on the photos and see the effects!
Please also visit for this plugin in action!

Demo: Dojo Fisheye Gallery plugin for WordPress
Download: Dojo Fisheye Gallery plugin


Rico Bookmark Tree plugin for WordPress

This plugin can create a simple bookmark list with a tree structure on a post using Rico Ajax(

Demo: Rico Bookmark Tree plugin for WordPress
Download: Rico Bookmark Tree

Simple Obfuscation plugin for WordPress

This plugin can create a form which can obfuscate php scripts. It also can shrink or minify the script to a certain degree.
Obfuscation of scripts is not a perfect protection for your precious php creations but it can greatly discourage the others to read and steal them.

Please try the form at the demo below site.
Demo: Simple Obfuscation plugin for WordPress
Download: Simple Obfuscation plugin

Scatter Gallery plugin for WordPress

This plugin can create a photo gallery with scattered thumbnails utilising jquery and JQueryRotate lib at
There are many gallery plugins but they may not be installed if PHP memory limit is low. This can work for those free hosting sites even with low PHP memory limit(16MB~) like this site.
The photos can be chosen one by one or a target folder which contains photos can be used.

Demo: Scatter Gallery plugin for WordPress
Scatter Gallery plugin for WordPress(2)
Download: Scatter Gallery plugin

*The themes "Picture Perfect" and "Sliding Door" cannot use this plugin due to their own javascripts.


Carousel Gallery plugin for WordPress

This plugin can create a photo gallery with thumbnails moving around like a merry-go-round utilising jquery and Interface lib at
The photos placed in a folder within the ‘images’ folder of the plugin or under the ‘wp-content’ folder will be used for the gallery.

Demo: Carousel Gallery plugin for WordPress
Carousel Gallery plugin - Other Examples
Download: Carousel Gallery Plugin


Pages to Page plugin for WordPress

This is a simple plugin to create the contents of Recent Comments, Pages, Categories, Archives, Recent Posts and Calendar which are usually shown in the sidebar and insert them onto a post or page. Maybe useful when you want to make the destination links for your own navigation bar or menu.

Demo: Pages to Page plugin for WordPress
Pages to Page plugin for WordPress(2)
Download: Pages to Page plugin

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rico Ajax Menu plugin for WordPress

This plugin will create a menu with tabs, accordions or pulldowns using Rico Ajax(
Please have a look the examples here.
May be useful to make a neat ‘About Me’, simple photo gallery and so on.
Now, you can create a widget with the menus of ‘Recent Posts’, ‘Categories’, ‘Pages’, ‘Archives’, ‘Links’, ‘Calender’ and ‘Recent Comments’.
Now, the menu can have transparent effects.
Now, the accordion and pulldown menu can have sprites on the headers.
Now, the widget of accordion and pulldown menu can use a sprite image.
Now, you can set the width of a tab for Tab Menu.
Now, you can use customised header titles for [RECENTPOSTS], [CATEGORIES], [PAGES], [ARCHIVES], [LINKS], [CALENDAR] and [RECENTCOMMENTS] of the menus on the posts.
Now, you can use include a simple html file in the contents of a menu.

Demo: Rico Ajax Menu plugin
Rico Ajax Menu plugins – Tabbed Menu & Accordion Menu
Rico Ajax Menu Plugin – Pulldown Menu
Download: Rico Ajax Menu plugin
