This site is mainly(or totally) for the presentation of the plugins for WordPress blog system.
I learned a lot of stuff on programming and web designing by writing these plugins and came across some thoughts:
There are so many plugins published on the web but most of them seem to be just boasting about their functionality and fabulous looking but forgetting about a very small but essential thing, that is, whether they can be installed onto even those sites with little resources(PHP memories etc.) like those on free-hosting including mine!
I admit that my plugins may not be fancy enough but it may work well even if they are installed onto resource-limited sites.
And another thought:
A lot of plugins may have “so-called” admin interfaces. But I made most of my plugins operational and customisable through the insertion codes pasted on the posts or pages. Why do you need to go to the admin pages when you are writing a post right now and want to change the color of a tab only on that post?
By utlising the insertion codes, you could change the look of each plugin on each posts/pages not restricted/tied up by the global settings on the great admin pages.
The plugins on this site is the reflection of my thoughts and spirits described above. I would feel fortunate if they can be some of your help.